Best Female Psychiatrist in Bhopal, Addiction Treatment Clinic Bhopal

One of the best female Psychiatrists in Bhopal, Dr. Miltali Soni Loya offers treatment for mental problems including depression, addiction, stress, OCD etc.

How Depression Can Affect Brain?


In the recent study it has been found out that approximately 16.2 million adults are being prone to depression. This study also clears out the fact this figure will grow out in the future if not treated in a proper manner. While it is clear that depression can affect a person’s life in the physical, emotional and mental level. Also, the severe effect of depression is on the psychological or mental level. Also, it has the power to affect the physical structures of the brain. These psychological changes in the brain can range from inflammation to oxygen restriction and shrinking. In other words, we can say that depression can affect the overall control center of the nervous system.

This article is all about how depression can affect the psychological part of our body and some of the ways by which you can avoid these. Go on and have a look!

  1. Brain shrinkage: According to the latest study, it has been cleared that the size of a number of brain regions can reduce who experience depression. Researchers have listed out the parts of the brain that shrink and those are:
  • Hippocampus
  • Thalamus
  • Amygdale
  • Frontal
  • Prefrontal cortices

When a part of the brain shrinks, the functions associated with it also shrink and thus for avoiding this, it is vital that you go for depression treatment in Bhopal as soon as you see signs of depression.

  1. Brain inflammation: Brain inflammation is linked with the time period the person is in depressed state. The brain inflammation can affect a number of cells of the brain to die and this can also lead to a number of complications and that are:
  • Shrinkage
  • Decreased function of neurotransmitters
  • Reduced ability of the brain to change as the person becomes old
  1. Oxygen restriction: Depression has been linked with the reduction in the oxygen in the body. These changes occur due to the changes that are caused because of depression. A cellular factor that is produced in response with the brain of not getting proper amount of oxygen is decreased in the immune cells that are found in people experiencing depression. Thus, it is important that you opt for depression treatment.

To sum up all, the brain is a highly sensitive part that causes reductions in the oxygen, which can further lead to

  • Inflammation
  • Brain cell injury
  • Brain cell death